Hiking journal #002: The Grand Canyon Walk

Date: 29th July, 2020
Trail: Grand Canyon Walk

Grade: 3

Where: Blue Mountains National Park, NSW

The Grand Canyon Walk is a popular walk inside the Blue Mountains National Park. On the 29th of July, I got a day off work and took advantage of the fact that most people will be busy at work or at school. So I called up my mate Lucas and headed to the track.


Getting to this trail is relatively simple, there is two spots where you can start as this is a loop trail. One is from the car park at Evans lookout and at the Grand Canyon Walk trailhead, which has car spots available as well. I always start on the earlier car park spot as I feel like it’s more rewarding finishing with Evans lookout.

Evans Lookout

Evans Lookout

The trail starts off all downhill, the first 30 minutes or so of the track is very scenic, it is a lush and moist environment in a canyon that really gives you an idea what this track has to offer. The day that we went was shortly after consistent rainfall for days, and had made it seem like it was raining from the water trickling off the canyon cliffs. The stairs may be slippery so some people would need to take caution when making their way down. This track is also known to have lots of stairs.

Grand Canyon Walk stairs

Grand Canyon Walk stairs

The track follows dips into a variety of landscapes from dry forests, walking through carvings in the sandstone walls and even a small passage through a short pitch black tunnel.

Dry Forest

Dry Forest

Natural dark tunnel

Natural dark tunnel

You will eventually get this this passage that runs for about 30 mins of the track that you walk at the bottom of a canyon that has a few waterfalls and small water crossings. It definitely is the best part of the track, and it is no surprise to take more time here.

Be prepared, does not matter which way you have to back up to finish the track. It is a generally tiring climb, but for most they may see themselves stopping every so often to catch a breath. Many times before have I come to this track to see people finishing up, drenched in sweat and puffed out.

The climb up

The climb up

The Grand Canyon Walk I would recommend to anyone. It is a very scenic trail and is not too far from Sydney however it has a certain level of difficulty that could put pressure on for some people. With enough time, water and food, it should be feasible for most to do.

Hiking gear:

Camera Gear


Hiking journal #003: Wodi Wodi Walking Track


Hiking journal #001: Clover Hill trail